Mill Seat Wetland Preservation Complex
After completing a ten-year permitting process with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), the Town of Riga, and the Army Corps. of Engineers, Mill Seat Landfill recently received all state and federal permits specific to the southern expansion and wetland creation project.
Construction of the wetland mitigation area, a roughly 195-acre parcel south of the landfill and Bovee Road, will begin late this summer. To relieve impacts to 13.4 acres of wetland and 1,500 feet of a federally protected stream in the permitted landfill footprint, 86 acres of wetlands will be created, enhanced, and protected. Forecasted work includes regrading, tree clearing, and plantings that will restore native flora and fauna to the ecosystem. These areas will remain protected in perpetuity under a conservation easement held by the Town of Riga.
The wetland preservation complex is a long-term project that will be completed in three phases: Phase I: Construction, Phase II: Restoration, Phase III: Management. The initial construction activity will involve site grading and is anticipated to take place over a three-year period. During the restoration phase, major efforts will take place to restore, enhance, and create vegetation and biological diversity. These tasks include reducing non-native and undesirable native vegetation species prior to seeding and planting, restoring hydrology, disking, seeding, and planting of native plant species.
The restoration will incorporate storm water management features which will protect both water quality and quantity, so that adjacent wetlands and streams will not be adversely impacted. Continued implementation of operational practices to prevent the excessive release of sediment and other materials to Hotel Creek will also help to mitigate potential water quality (turbidity) impacts.
Additionally, a Proposed Stream Mitigation Plan will establish and enhance riparian buffers along approximately 1,965 linear feet of Churchville Park Tributary and Black Creek. Brew Road is proposed to close from O’Brien Road south to Bovee Road. O’Brien Road is proposed to close at the county’s property line east of its intersection with Brew road. Closing the O’Brien Road prior to its travel through the mapped freshwater wetland will protect the wetland community from unnecessary traffic and loitering, and will allow to remove the existing roadway embankment and culvert within the wetland to provide a more continuous connection within wetlands.
No impacts to State protected or rare species or natural communities are anticipated as part of, or because of, the Proposed Action. In addition, no observations of other protected species, unique plant assemblages, or significant natural communities were noted.
After achieving initial vegetation and hydrology goals, the management phase will begin. Tasks during this phase will include spot herbicide treatments, remedial plantings, prescribed burning, and other approved management activities. During this phase, opportunities for long-lasting personal involvement by residents and employees in land stewardship begin. Direct involvement in site stewardship and wildlife observations can provide an important and meaningful way to engage our community in the restoration project.
The Waste Management and Monroe County team at Mill Seat Landfill look forward to a bright future in the Town of Riga.
Please direct any questions regarding this project to Tess Donovan at tdonova2@wm.com